The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Controversy Over H.P.B.S Status As Agent Of The Masters

Constant belittlement of H.P.B. publicly and privately - emanates from Olcott and Sinnett - could not endure her pre-eminence - Judge's difficult situation - bound to defend H.P.B. - realizes must antagonize prominent leaders - steps taken in the E.S.T. - "We have not been deserted" - "Authorship of the 'Secret Doctrine'" - other articles in The Path - the old controversy between Mr. Sinnett and H.P.B. - "The earth chain of globes" - London Lodge lectures - W. Scot Elliott claims "inspiration" - Alexander Fullerton's faux pas - Judge disclaims responsibility for Fullerton - corrects misconceptions in The Path - Judge quotes Masters' certificates on the "Secret Doctrine" - letter from Masters to Francesca Arundale - shows conditions in London Lodge as far back as 1884 - Miss Arundale's letter unknown to members at time - the controversy becomes violent - Judge writes on "Masters, Adepts, Teachers and Disciples" - Sinnett comes out in the open - declares H.P.B. "under other influences" than Masters - affirms he is still is communication with Mahatmas - Judge and Mrs. Besant try to quiet the storm while upholding H.P.B. - Olcott speaks in praise of Sinnett - the situation by the early fall of 1893 - a sharp and sheer cleavage over teachings - and over status of H.P.B. as agent of the Masters.



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